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Glass Drilling Method and Requirement

Views : 405
Update time : 2017-04-24 17:50:28
1, to confirm the glass: according to the drillings thinkness,size and edge processing requirement, to determine whether the glass can be perforated operation, the glass requires edge processing (including the need for edging, ) before drilling.
2, review the order: according to the drilling requirements to determine which glass drill bit should be used, and installed on the spot drill.
glass drilling bit
3, punching operation: carry out the glass board flat to the perforated table, according to the drilling hole marked with carbon pen marked with the exact location of the hole, marking the location must be accurate, correct,check before drilling, drilling before the first ring with a bearing ring and add a certain amount of water (drilling must add water, the purpose is to avoid the glass cloth burst when drilling, otherwise the glass will expansion due to friction heat then glass burst), and then the rotation of the drill bit slowly inclined to draw a good circle, the edge of the drill bit close to the mark side of the first force, and then slowly drill upright and shaking (Shaking is to increase the hole distance ) forced down the hole, according to the thickness of the glass to grasp the size of the force, the thinner the glass force smaller, the thicker the glass force can be larger, It is necessary to drill the glass to reduce the force slowly drilled through the hole, force too much can make a large glass burst impact glass performance.
4, the emergence of drilling burst: the bottom of the drill generally no edge or a small edge of the explosion, the general edge of the explosion occurred in the opposite, mainly because of not pay attention to reduce the pressure when drilling through,caused burst by rapid drilling , In the glass drill through the moment there is a link part which not because of drilingl but due to the larger force to squeeze out, so the edge of the glass hole become burst edge.
5, punch operation table should be formation of flat to prevent glass burst when drilling holes.